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为了有效促进学生武术核心素养的培育,针对我国武术教学中存在套路内容“繁难”、教法单一、重“形”轻“击”、重知识灌输,轻自主性培养、重教师的“教”,轻学生的“学”“学生不喜欢武术课”等一系列问题,提出了有效促进武术认知、武术运动能力、武术人格培育的原则,基于此原则,对“化难为易”策略、“化浅为深”策略、“化无趣为有趣”策略、“化技术为实践”策略、“知新温故”等策略进行了具体探索性设计,并对上述策略的具体实施方法进行了阐述,为中小学武术教学改革提供现实指导。  相似文献   
In this essay, Kathleen Knight Abowitz and Dan Mamlok consider the arguments for agonist political education in light of a case study based in the events of the 2018 mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and the subsequent activism of its survivors. We use this case to examine agonist expressions of citizenship, and to present an argument for framing agonist politics through the lens of Deweyan transactional communication combined with the critical concept of articulation. A major lesson in this case is the significance of citizenship learning that prioritizes challenging the political status quo along with working to reestablish new political relations on grounds that are more just. The authors argue that the endgame of agonist-informed political education should be that which helps students, as present and future citizens, reconstruct existing political conditions. Knight Abowitz and Mamlok conclude with suggestions for four domains of knowledge and capacities that can productively shape agonist citizenship education efforts: political education, lived citizenship, critical political literacies, and critical digital literacies.  相似文献   
目的:寻找不同场地的制胜技术策略与场地转换过程中的技术策略变化特点。方法:运用较小时间单元的技术指标(盘数据),对2018年男子单打四大满贯公开赛,共计73场比赛的单盘数据,进行不同场地胜负者Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test检验分析,并用Kruskal Wallis Test检验(通过Bonferroni校正)对场地之间技术指标进行差异性检验及多重事后比较分析。结果:1)2018年四大满贯男子比赛,不同场地平均每场盘数:草场>红土>硬地;2)硬地与红土,ACE/%指标具有显著差异,2种场地的各项指标数据均值相差较小。红土与草地,6项技术指标具有显著差异,双误、一发进区率未见显著差异,2种场地的各项指标数据均值相差最大。草地与硬地,7项技术指标具有显著差异,制胜球未见显著差异,数据均值差异小于草地与红土的差异;3)不同场地之间显著差异指标的个数:硬地与红土1个,红土与草地6个,硬地与草地7个。结论:场地不同需要运动员采用不同的技战术策略,注重场地转换过渡期中技术策略思想转变。硬地转红土,注重战术策略趋同性特点变化,发球以限制接得分为主,控制非受迫性失误,整体技战术策略守大于攻。红土转草地,技术指标差异最大,技术策略调整最大,转变防守反击思想,草地发球相关技术更为重要,草地盘数多于红土,整体技战术策略攻大于守。草地转硬地,技术策略接近,硬地需要减少双误,提高一发进区率、二发得分率,注重技术的全面性,整体技战术策略攻守平衡。  相似文献   

According to a growing volume of academic literature on the subject, transmedia fiction and non-fiction production is now one of the main areas driving innovation in media companies, thanks to the improvements it brings in numerous interconnected fields: narrative and content, management and productive strategy, brand promotion, etc. In this context the article focuses on transmedia linked to public broadcasting companies, starting with a qualitative study based on interviews with expert professionals from thirteen corporations in Spain, one operating at the national level (RTVE) and twelve at the regional level (A Punt Media, CARTV, CCMA, CRTVG, CMM, EITB, EPRTVIB, RTVM, RTPA, RTVA, RTRM and RTVC). The results show how professionals view the concept of transmedia production, its advantages, disadvantages and the challenges it poses, which depend on these corporations’ service and relationship with audiences. As the conclusions state, the keys factors for understanding the professional transmedia strategy of public broadcasting corporations are found in the characteristics of today’s media market, which is suffering from budget cuts and growing competition.  相似文献   
摘要:我国高等体育教育资源优化配置研究引入社会学视角理论与方法,理论与实践均取得专家的认同。运用文献资料法、专家访谈法和实地考察法等方法发现,在计划经济体制下我国高等体育教育资源配置主体单一性、手段行政化和政治倾向性强,凸显出高等体育教育资源配置缺乏激励机制和市场竞争机制的问题,造成高等体育教育资源配置成本最大化和社会效应的最小化问题较多。自改革开放以来,随着我国市场经济体制的建立为高等体育教育资源优化配置提供了难得的发展机遇,我国高等体育教育资源配置取得了明显成效,但仍然存在高等体育教育资源配置机制滞后、体制机制改革创新步伐缓慢、高等体育教育资源配置不合理以及民办普通高校体育教育资源配置严重不足等问题。据此,从社会学研究的视角,提出了构建多主体推动高等体育教育资源优化配置创新的发展模式、多元化高等体育教育资源优化配置资金投入的保障体系、高等体育教育资源优化配置均衡发展的运行机制和大学城体育教育资源“共建共享”的创新发展模式的新时代我国高等体育教育资源优化配置的发展策略,旨在服务新时代全民健身与全民健康深度融合发展,“推动构建人类命运共同体”发展目标的实现。  相似文献   
Students in the same class can differ considerably in their perceptions of teaching quality, but little is known about the drivers of this lack of agreement. In this study, we relied on within-class consensus as a measure of agreement in students' perceptions and explored both student-reported predictors (Sample 1) and teacher-reported predictors (Sample 2) of consensus in students’ ratings of six goal structures dimensions (task, autonomy, recognition, grouping, evaluation, time). Classroom-level results from multi-level models indicated that student-perceived differential teacher treatment negatively predicted consensus regarding evaluation, as well as achievement heterogeneity, whereas instructional clarity positively predicted consensus for recognition, grouping, and evaluation, as well as class-average achievement (Sample 1). Mediating effects of achievement heterogeneity and achievement were not statistically significant. In Sample 2, negative effects of teacher-reported emotional exhaustion and teaching-related anxiety on consensus were observed for several dimensions. Teaching-related enjoyment had no effect.  相似文献   
近代诗人郑珍,终其一生写下了九百多首诗歌,其中亲情诗约占四分之一,贯穿其诗歌创作的始终.这些抒写兄友弟恭、夫妻和睦、父慈子孝等人伦亲情的诗歌充分展现了诗人的情感世界,彰显了诗人至孝的品性与责任感,是为儒家“仁爱”典范.  相似文献   
专业化培训是推进辅导员队伍专业化建设的重要途径,因此,加强辅导员专业化培训的工作意义重大。我们可以针对目前辅导员培训的现状及存在的主要问题,尝试提出高校辅导员专业化培训的有效策略,以实现辅导员队伍专业化的可持续发展。  相似文献   
情感在大学生幸福观教育中的效能及培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生幸福观教育离不开情感的作用,情感在大学生幸福观教育中具有动力、调控、评价和感染效能。在大学生幸福观教育中培育情感,应做到健康塑"情"、以"情"动人、以"境"育情、"情制"结合。  相似文献   
高职院校从最初的规模扩张转向现在的内涵建设,课程开发便成了内涵建设的关键。基于工作过程系统化的项目课程开发是课程开发的主流,在开发此类课程体系的过程中,要充分考虑影响课程实施的因素,并提出实施的方案和策略。  相似文献   
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